This serves to provide policy guidelines on the proper use of the internet inside the club premises.
Policy Guidelines
- Granting Internet Access
- All members, spouses, and qualified dependents shall be given internet access.
- Members, spouses and qualified dependents will be required to login on a daily basis. Access will be permitted throughout the day.
- Membership will endorse the request to MIS. MIS will create an internet access ID using the MC No. and the birth month and day format “MCNOmmdd”.
- The internet policies shall be part of the orientation given to new members. The new member should acknowledge and sign to signify adherence to the internet rules and regulations.
- Accommodation for guests on a temporary basis i.e. 2 hour access and renewable for those with seminars or similar events. A guest pass code will be created on a per event basis.
Recall of Internet Access
Termination of Membership. MIS removes internet access as soon as it receives advise or notice from the Membership Department.
Access and Use
- Personal Responsibility. By accepting the internet account information and access, a member agrees to adhere to the Club’s policies related to its use.
- Permitted Use and Term. The use of internet is a privilege, not a right. The MSCI Management may deny the right to internet access if a member violates any of the stipulated policies.
- Availability and access. MSCI reserves the right to suspend access at any time, without notice, for technical reasons, possible policy violations, security or other concerns.
- Content and Communications. MSCI, at its sole discretion, will determine what materials, files, information, software, communications, and other content and/or activity will be
permitted or prohibited. - Privacy. MSCI reserves the right to monitor, inspect, and review without prior notice, any and all usage of the Internet, as well as any information, software, communications, and other content transmitted, in connection with this usage. The Controller, under authority of the Club’s General Manager, may review and intercept communications for any reason, including but not limited to maintaining system integrity and ensuring members are using the internet consistently with this Policy.
- Prohibited Activities. Members are prohibited from using Internet access to:
- Engage in unethical or unlawful activities which would in any way bring discredit to MSCI.
- Downloading, copying or pirating software and electronic files that are copyrighted or without authorization.
- Participate in activities, including the preparation or dissemination of content, which could damage the Club’s image and reputation.
- Access graphics information and sites that exceed bounds of generally accepted standards of good taste and ethics (i.e. pornography, Torrent Sites etc.).
- Permit another person to use an account or password to access the Internet, including, but not limited to, someone whose access has been denied or terminated.
- Disclose or share log-in passwords with other members
- Use another member’s internet access account
Violations of the above guidelines will result in disciplinary actions.
Irrespective of the disciplinary action taken, access of the offending party to the club’s internet may also be suspended or removed entirely.
To ensure that the internet / email facility is optimally purposive, a TEAM shall be formed consisting of representatives from MIS and Membership. The MIS representative shall lead the team and be responsible for the following:- Ensure that internet resources are used optimally for intended purposes.
- Recommend changes or enhancements to facility and to the policies and procedures related to it.
The Team shall be vested with the following authorities:
- Monitor via software or any other means, the internet access history of a member (i.e. sites visited, date/time visited, internet services used, etc.)
- Call the attention of those who violate policies and guidelines related to it.
- Forward violations of the above to the Membership Committee for disciplinary action.