A centralized entrance and exit (Gate 2) will be provided for all employees.
All employees will have to answer a Health Risk Questionnaire everyday upon entering the club. Health Risk Questionnaires will be available at the entrance gate and will be given in advance to employees.
All employees will undergo regular antigen tests (once a week) to determine if they are positive or negative for COVID; A make shift tent can be assembled at the back of the security office for the antigen testing of employees.
All employees will also undergo a Body Temperature Check.
Vaccination cards showing proof of full vaccination must be presented upon entering the club; Booster cards should also be presented if possible
A rotation of employees’ working schedule will be implemented regularly
Employees who have colds, coughs, and/or fever will NOT be allowed to report to work.
Face masks and face shields should be worn at all times
Physical distancing must always be observed.
A centralized entrance and exit will be provided for members, spouses, and dependents (main entrance).
All members, spouses, and dependents should answer a Health Declaration Form (online if available or via email) upon entering the club and will be given in advance to members, spouses, and dependents to avoid any inconvenience. Hard copies will also be available to members, spouses, and dependents who may not have access to email and internet especially the elderly.
Proof of full vaccination (cards/passports) should be presented upon entering the club; Booster cards should also be presented if possible.
All members, spouses, and dependents will undergo a Body Temperature Check.
A QR Code will be provided for contract tracing purposes
Face masks and face shields should be worn at all times.
Physical distancing must always be observed.
All sports facilities will be strictly by reservation only (Members, spouses, and dependents only); They can use the facilities for a maximum of 1 hour only. For reservation, you may call 8-8178731 local 552.
One (1) Badminton court may be made available but must be disinfected and sanitized immediately after use; There should be a 1 hour interval between each game.
Squash courts 1 & 2 may be used and will be disinfected and sanitized after each game; There should also be a 1 hour interval between each game; Both courts should NOT be used at the same time.
Indoor covered courts (courts 1 &3 only) may be open to members, spouses, and dependents
Swimming pool will be by reservation only (3 lanes only)
Gym equipment on the hallway will be available for use; Indoor gym will be closed; Gym equipment will be sanitized and disinfected after each use
Only one or two locker rooms will be open for the use of members, spouses, and dependents. No sports attendant/s will be deployed at the locker rooms as a precautionary measure.
Only Alfresco / Outdoor Dining outlets will be open;
Guests of members must show proof of full vaccination (cards/passports) and booster cards (if possible) upon entering the club, undergo Body Temperature Check, and must also answer the Health Declaration Form.
Bistro Lounge, Gallerie, and the Patisserie will be closed.
Club Deli will remain open to members, spouses, and dependents who may want to purchase food from the club provided the management will limit the members, spouses, and dependents/individuals (maximum of 3 pax only) who will enter the Deli.
Suppliers and service providers must present a proof of full vaccination (cards/passports) and booster cards (if possible), undergo Body Temperature Check, and should answer the Health Declaration Form.